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Configure HTML semantics in WebStorm

I want to set different colors for different HTML elements.

div , main , header , section : Each individual color. This will make the file much easier to read.

I also want to set a color for my own React components: Button , Card , Spinner .

They are all the same color. This is very difficult to navigate.

This seems like a simple task for the IDE, but for a very long time I can not find this setting. Please advise any solutions. Ready to install any plugin, the main thing is to be able to customize the colors yourself.

I've tried several plugins likehttps://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/12895-comments-highlighter but it doesn't work on HTML/JSX tags, so it's better to vote for the issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-330 . Feel free to watch the YouTrack item in order to be notified once it has updates. See this article if you are not familiar with YouTrack.

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