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streamWriter with format(delta) is not producing a delta table

I am using AutoLoader in databricks. However when I save the stream as a delta table, the generated table is NOT delta.

  .format("delta")  # <-----------
  .option("checkpointLocation", checkpoint_path)
  .option("path", output_path)
delta.DeltaTable.isDeltaTable(spark, table_name)
> false

Why is the generated table not delta format? If I try to read the table using spark.read(table_name) it works but if I am trying to use Redash or the builtin databricks' Data tab it produces an error and the schema is not well parsed.

An error occurred while fetching table: table_name com.databricks.backend.common.rpc.DatabricksExceptions$SQLExecutionException: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Incompatible format detected A transaction log for Databricks Delta was found at s3://delta/_delta_log , but you are trying to read from s3://delta using format("parquet"). You must use 'format("delta")' when reading and writing to a delta table.

Could you try this:

    .option("checkpointLocation", <checkpointLocation_path>)

Instead of toTable can you try table

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