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Using Premium Key from Alpha Vantage to get historical data from european/german stock market, but doesnt work

I think its just a simple question. I have premium access to Alpha vantage and eod historical data, but both doesnt provide historical stock market for example for the ticker "BMW.DE".

ticker <- "BMW.DE"
       get        = "alphavantage",
       av_fun     = "TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY",
       interval   = "60min",
       outputsize = "full")

Warning message:
x = 'BMW.DE', get = 'alphavantager': Error: Invalid API call. Please retry or visit the documentation (https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/) for TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY.. API parameters used: symbol=BMW.DE, function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY, interval=60min, outputsize=full, apikey=HIDDEN_FOR_YOUR_SAFETY

The same happens with eodhistorical data. I think its just not supported or do I miss something?

Second question: Provided it doesnt work, it pyhton a good alternative for that issue?

Thank you

Download intraday stock data from european market

For BMW, you need to use BMW.DEX or BMW.FRK on Alpha Vantage right now.

Both symbols work for my own codes. They also work with the generic web data request: https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED&symbol=BMW.DEX&outputsize=full&apikey= !!!you own premium api!!!

Ideally, Alpha Vantage should publish be a list of symbols for the stocks outside the US But I can't find that list anywhere on their site. [Has anyone figured that out yet?]

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