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How Can I Download a React Project from Github and Run in My Laptop

I am new to Javascript and React. I was wondering if there is any way I can download some open-source projects written in React JS from GitHub and run them on my laptop with the help of sublime text. I was thinking to study the source code so that I can learn React. I found some projects in Github but not sure how I can download the source code and run it. Is there any step-by-step guideline? Can anyone help?

when I go to run an npm start on it, I get this error:

E:\Sem 04\Software project\React App\test001>npm start

education-academia@0.1.0 start
react-scripts start

'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


  1. you can copy that HTTPS link then in your console - git clone copied_url for this u have to install git in your lap

  2. You can download a zip file => and extract that

after any of the methods, open the project folder => then console => npm install or yarn install (this installs all the project dependencies)

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