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MAMP 6.7 won't start on port 80

I just upgraded to MAMP version 6.7, to get php 8, it won't start on port 80 from GUI but it starts from command line with /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/apachectl start (no error messages). Previous version of MAMP (5.7) was running without any problems).

I do not have any other applikation running on port 80 (did: ps aux | grep httpd ). I do not get any error message in MAMPs error log.

I can start MAMP Apache server on any other port.

I had deactivated Macs own Apaoche server with: sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist 2>/dev/null

Installed new version off MAMP, copied over config files for mysql to bin (as I have password for mysql server), configurated phpMyAdmin for http login and no password, chosed php 8.20 in GUI for starting MAMP, checked that port 80 for Apache and 3306 from mysql was configurated, started server.

Edit: It was something about the admin rights on the log files in MAMP/logs (was set to: root as user and admin as group), so I changed permission on apache_error file. to my username (as I i have apache running under it) and read write for group admin, still server do not start.

It is something about the password prompt for the main GUI that not get trigged, I actually want to have that prompt when I start the MAMP servers.

Any ideas?

I upgrade to new version 6.8 of MAMP now who just come out, and that solved the problem, Apache starts and i get the prompt for password when using port 80.

The upgrade process is quite stupid though, IT DID NOT TAKE BACKUP on config files and database, when it wrote the date named backup files for old installation in Applications. Gladly I have strong routine on backup both by hand and in my system setup. So had to copy over config files for mySql (in bin directory) and database directory(in db directory). Need to do this on every new installation of MAMP. This is stupid MAMP, fix it!

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