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What operators and statements are supported in Microsoft List conditional formulas to hide and show fields?

There is essentially one pattern demonstrated on Microsoft's official article about this topic:

Show or hide columns in a list or library form

Which is:

=if([$MyColumn] == 'Some Value', 'true', 'false')

We are trying to implement logic which includes AND() , OR() and NOT() and different operators (eg: >= , <> , == ).

None of these seem to be working.

For example:

=if(AND([$MyNumberColumn] >= 1, [$MyNumberColumn] < 3), 'true', 'false')

just displays the error:

Enter a valid condition

There is nothing in the Microsoft article that says these statements and operators are NOT supported, and they ARE supported in Calculated Columns, so I am at a loss as to whether there are errors in my formula OR the statements and operators I am trying to use to hide and show fields are just not supported.

Can anyone please provide an authoritative, definitive answer to the question:

What operators and statements are supported in Microsoft List conditional formulas to hide and show fields?

Try formula in below format:

AND : Use &&

=if([$MyNumberColumn] >= 1 && [$MyNumberColumn] < 3, 'true', 'false')

OR : Use ||

=if([$MyNumberColumn] >= 1 || [$MyNumberColumn] < 3, 'true', 'false')

NOT Equal : Use !=

=if([$MyNumberColumn] != 1, 'true', 'false')

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