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Angular directive selector can't apply icon to the element

I'm trying to do something similar to this application:


This is my application:



<thead class="thead-light">
                *ngFor="let item of list.table.headings; let i = index"
                sortable="{{ item.content }}"
                (sort)="onSort($event, i)"
                {{ item.content }}


export type SortColumn = string | '';
export type SortDirection = 'asc' | 'desc' | '';

const rotate: { [key: string]: SortDirection } = {
  asc: 'desc',
  desc: '',
  '': 'asc',

export const compare = (
  v1: string | number | boolean | Date,
  v2: string | number | boolean | Date
) => (v1 < v2 ? -1 : v1 > v2 ? 1 : 0);

export interface SortEvent {
  column: SortColumn;
  direction: SortDirection;

  selector: 'th[sortable]',
  host: {
    '[class.asc]': 'direction === "asc"',
    '[class.desc]': 'direction === "desc"',
    '(click)': 'rotate()',
export class SortableHeaderDirective {
  @Input() sortable: SortColumn = '';
  @Input() direction: SortDirection = '';
  @Output() sort = new EventEmitter<SortEvent>();

  rotate() {
    this.direction = rotate[this.direction];
    this.sort.emit({ column: this.sortable, direction: this.direction });

An up and a down icon is appearing when the user clicks on the header of the table in the original code (first link). But in my code, it didn't appear. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

If you inspect the rendered <th> element:

<th _ngcontent-hpt-c62="" scope="col" ng-reflect-sortable="Tercih"> Tercih </th>

There is no sortable attribute, while your SortableHeaderDirective is applied to <th> element with sortable attribute: 'th[sortable]' .

With sortable="{{ item.content }}" or [sortable]="item.content" is used as property binding.

You can perform either of these to add the sortable attribute:

  1. Add sortable without string interpolation.

  2. Add [attr.sortable]="item.content" .

  *ngFor="let item of list.table.headings; let i = index"
  sortable="{{ item.content }}"
  (sort)="onSort($event, i)"
  {{ item.content }}

Demo @ StackBlitz


<div class="row">
          *ngFor="let item of this.list.table.headings; let i = index"
          class="table-view__item__col {{ item.class }}"
          <div scope="col" (sort)="onSort($event, i, this.table)" sortable="{{ item.content }}">
            {{ item.content }}


  selector: 'div[sortable]',
  host: {
    '[class.sorting]': 'true',
    '[class.sorting-desc]': 'direction === "asc"',
    '[class.sorting-asc]': 'direction === "desc"',
    '(click)': 'rotate()',

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