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Is there a way to lookup the C# alias keyword for a given special type?

I'm writing a Roslyn Source Generator which generates code based on the members of a specified interface.

For example, given the following interface:

interface IFoo
    string Bar { get; set; }

I want to generate (within other code) the following property:

string IFoo.Bar { get; set; }

So far, I'm able to generate this:

System.String IFoo.Bar { get; set; }

which would work, but is there a way to use the string keyword, given that I don't know until runtime, when I'm analysing a particular interface type, what the type will actually be?

I've got the INamedTypeSymbol representing the System.String type. Is there a way to lookup a language keyword based on this?

I just discovered that ((INamedTypeSymbol)namedType).ToDisplayString() appears to give me what I want.

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