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Ng-select lib: How i change the primary color?

The primary color is #3f51b5, an blue dark color, but i want to customize this color. My research I discovery samples that:

::ng-deep.ng-select.ng-select-focused.ng-select-container * { color: $colorP;important; }

but the code above just part of the color I want to change. How i change the primary color in the all code?

I just found code snippets that changed parts of the problem, but ended up creating others, I would like to know if there is a way to change all the color at once.

In Angular, you can change colors of your application by updating the theme file, typically located in the src/styles.scss or.css

Try this: or your selector, the idea to put the overriding style in the main file

yourSelector {
    color: yourColor;

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