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Vue3 init variable with props

const props = defineProps({
a: Object

function calcs() {
var b = props.a;
xxx: yyy

eg a={x: 'y'}

I need b to be {x: 'y'} before b.push each time when call function calcs, but b keep pushing xxx:yyy, any solutions? I tried ref(props.a), reactive(props.a), still not working

1st call calcs, the output is props.a={x: 'y'}
b={x: 'y',xxx: 'yyy'}

2nd call calcs, the output become props.a={x: 'y',xxx: 'yyy'}
b={x: 'y',xxx: 'yyy',xxx: 'yyy'}

3rd call calcs, the output become props.a={x: 'y',xxx: 'yyy',xxx: 'yyy'}
b={x: 'y',xxx: 'yyy',xxx: 'yyy',xxx: 'yyy'}

I have no idea the prop a changes after each call, how can I get the output the same as the 1st call which is props.a={x: 'y'}
b={x: 'y',xxx: 'yyy'}

thanks, im new to vue.

var b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(props.a)) fixed the issue.

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