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I need 2 separate purchase buttons on product page ----> one for simple and one for variations

I am totally stumped in figuring this out and I think I am doing too many extra things in order to fix a simple issue. (I hope)

I am an artist, and I am selling prints and am also offering the original piece for sale on my website. I am trying to figure out how, on the single product page, to add a SEPARATE button that allows the customer to purchase the original piece. I tried adding it as a variable but it is not user friendly and other selections disappear if customers want to go back and select other print options. I do not want the option to purchase the original piece mixed in as a variable. I want it totally separate.

I have created drop down pages for prints and originals on my main site menu but it is messing up when the base 'shop' page is clicked because doubles pop up for each product- one is presented as a range in price (the prints) and the other is what the original costs. It is confusing and looks terrible. On top of that, when I try to upload/add new art pieces to either the 'prints' or 'original work' categories, they don't show up on either page, they only show up on the 'base' shop page.

Is there ANY way to simplify this into removing the 'prints' and 'original works' subcategories and only have my base 'shop' page to display each product, BUT adding a button for the option to 'purchase original' along with 'purchase prints' on the actual single product page? I have been looking for answers for weeks and haven't found anything.

Please help!! Thank you so much in advance! I have no clue what I am doing!!!

I have tried adding the 'original' piece into the variations menu and it didn't work correctly. I created subcategories for 'originals' and 'prints' but that is making my base shop page display double products, and when I upload new products and put them in their correct category, they dont go onto those pages, they stay on the base page.

I just want a 'Purchase Original' <---- simple product and a 'Purchase Prints'<----- variable product with size/material options.

Create two sections on your single product template, one for the original piece and one for the prints. In each section, you can use the WooCommerce shortcode [add_to_cart id="product_id"] to display the "Add to Cart" button for the corresponding product.

You can use the product_id of the Simple Product and Variable Product to show the button.

Use CSS to style the sections and buttons to make them distinct and visually separate. This way, customers can easily understand that they are two separate options for purchasing the product.

And use the categories functionality to separate the original pieces and prints, so that customers can easily filter and find what they are looking for.

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