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disable styles like equation in inline code blocks

I am using github pages to write my blog, and an article about regex (regular expression) owns markdown code like this:

layout: post

inline code blocks: pls replace `(\[(?:[^\]])(.)` by `$1~$2`

However, the resulting page is (compiling result of the above markdown)

I am new on jekyll, so can anyone tells me what happens and how to avoid it? Here are my guesses:

  • Jekyll thinks that there is an equation in (\[(?:[^\]])(.) .
  • all is ok if the two inline code blocks were code blocks, but I think that it is too ugly.

My theme is

gem "minima", "~> 2.5"

Thanks for @Benjamin W. for his direction. In the document there is an option skipTags that tells mathjax which code are needed to be skipped. Add code to it solves the problem.

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