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error credentials on gvenzl/oracle-xe ARM colima docker

I'm trying to run an Oracle database on mac m1Pro ARM, so far, here are the steps i did:

Uninstalled colima and docker:

brew uninstall colima docker

Uninstalled docker desktop and deleted all files related.

Installed colima and docker:

brew install colima docker

Ran this command to execute colima:

colima start --arch x86_64 --memory 4

Executed the docker run:

docker run -d -p 1521:1521 -e ORACLE_PASSWORD=azerty gvenzl/oracle-xe

Checked if my container was running:

docker container ls

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE              COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS        PORTS                                       NAMES
8ffc237bc009   gvenzl/oracle-xe   "container-entrypoin…"   4 seconds ago   Up 1 second>1521/tcp, :::1521->1521/tcp   intelligent_williams

used the integrated commands as mentioned here in "Database users" part:

base: docker exec container name|id createAppUser your_app_user your_app_user_password [your target PDB]

I first tried that:

docker exec 8ffc237bc009 createAppUser oracle azerty XE

But the SID XE wasn't recognized by the listener, then I did that (default target is said to be XEPDB1)

docker exec 8ffc237bc009 createAppUser oracle azerty

so far it returned that:

Session altered.

User created.

Grant succeeded.

I was pretty confident there, so I ran into DataGrip and did that:



Then this error happend:


At first I thought it was because of SID XEPDB1 so I just replaced it with XE and this error got to me, at this point I knew it was responding:


Now I can't figure it out because I checked if I was misstyping in caps or anything, tried multiple times to cmd+C and cmd+v to make sur, still wrong logons. if anyone has a clue, I'm up for it. if there is anything wrong with what I did, I would love to know !

AS Olga M answered in the comment of my post, the fix was to replace the URL string:






hope my process helps ✅.

Thanks again Olga M !

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