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jQuery: How to differ multiple same buttons and pass parameter?

I try to move this working solution to jQuery.

    <tr th:each="l : ${lst}">
            <input type="button" th:onclick="foo ([[${l}]])"/>


function foo (x)

How can I do this the jQuery way? Is it a good idea to do so?

I tried this but I do not know how to get the parameter ${l} into the function also how to differ the differnt buttons.

    <tr th:each="l : ${lst}">
            <input type="button" id="mybutton"/>


$("#mybutton").click (function ()

Fix your HTML to look like:

  <tr th:each="l : ${lst}">
      <input class="mybutton" type="button" value="${l}">
      <!-- Fix the above's ${l} to be the desired output value -->

Then in jQuery use:

function foo () {
  // Do something 
  console.log(this.value); // whatever is returned by `${l}`

$("table").on("click", ".mybutton", foo);

If you need some other text for the button other than ${l} , use a HTMLButtonElement:

  <tr th:each="l : ${lst}">
      <button class="mybutton" type="button" value="${l}">Click me!</button>
      <!-- Fix the above's ${l} to be the desired output value -->

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