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How to link 2 axes with chartJS?

I'm using react-chart.js 2 to display continuous data in scatter chart form. I wanted to put options on the charts but some of them do not work properly or at all.So i would like the x-axis not to move and the y-axis to readjust with the data except that my problem is that the x-axis stays fixed but the y-axis keeps moving and as in the picture the 0 is above the x-axis.


The version of react-chart.js 2 installed is: 5.2.0 and the version of chartJS is: 4.1.2.

Question : How can I link the 2 axes?

What i have tried : I have tried to insert min,max in the y axis but the x-axis remained at the bottom.


I have inserted the following code for the plugin part but it didn't display the line axis at the middle.

const plugin = {
  id: 'middleAxis',
  beforeDraw(chart) {
    const {ctx, scales} = chart;
    const yAxis = scales.y;
    const xAxis = scales.x;
    const zeroPosition = yAxis.getPixelForValue(0);
    const labelItems = xAxis.getLabelItems();
    ctx.lineWidth = 1;
    ctx.moveTo(xAxis.left, zeroPosition);
    ctx.lineTo(xAxis.right, zeroPosition)
    for (const item of labelItems) {
      const {font, label, options} = item;
      const {strokeWidth, strokeColor, textAlign, textBaseline, translation} = options;
      const x = translation[0];
      const y = zeroPosition + font.lineHeight;
      ctx.font = font.string;
      ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
      ctx.textBaseline = textBaseline;
      ctx.lineWidth = strokeWidth;
      ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor;
      ctx.fillText(label, x, y);

export const options5 = {
  elements: {
    line: {
      tension: 0.3,
  // Modify the axis by adding scales
  scales: {
    // to remove the labels
    x: {
      display: false,
      ticks: {
        display: true,

      // to remove the x-axis grid
      grid: {
        drawBorder: false,
        display: false,
    // to remove the y-axis label
  responsive: true,
  maintainAspectRatio: false,
  plugins: [plugin],

I had the following result:


Here is the old code:

Option of my scatter chart :

export const options5 = {
  elements: {
    line: {
      tension: 0.3,
  // Modify the axis by adding scales
  scales: {
    // to remove the labels
    x: {
      ticks: {
        display: true,

      // to remove the x-axis grid
      grid: {
        drawBorder: false,
        display: false,
    // to remove the y-axis labels
    y: {
      beginAtZero: true,
      ticks: {
        display: true,

      // to remove the y-axis grid
      grid: {
        drawBorder: false,
        display: false,
  responsive: true,
  maintainAspectRatio: false,
  plugins: {
    showLine: true,
    legend: false,


I think there is an error in y scale config. beginAtZero is not an option of ticks but of the scale itself.

y: {
      beginAtZero: true, // <--- move here
      ticks: {
        display: true,
      // to remove the y-axis grid
      grid: {
        drawBorder: false,
        display: false,

Furthermore to be sure that the ticks will not change, you could set min/max options in the axis and stepSize/count in the ticks.

Here you can see an plugin (prototype) which is drawing an "X axis" at the same position of 0 Y value.

Some points of attention:

  1. added padding to right of the chart to draw last label
  2. the X axis must be defined but ticks are hidden (you can maintain the grid)
  3. used Chart.js 4.2.0


 const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d'); const labels = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May']; const plugin = { id: 'middleAxis', beforeDraw(chart) { const {ctx, scales} = chart; const yAxis = scales.y; const xAxis = scales.x; const zeroPosition = yAxis.getPixelForValue(0); const labelItems = xAxis.getLabelItems(); ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.moveTo(xAxis.left, zeroPosition); ctx.lineTo(xAxis.right, zeroPosition) ctx.stroke(); for (const item of labelItems) { const {font, label, options} = item; const {strokeWidth, strokeColor, textAlign, textBaseline, translation} = options; const x = translation[0]; const y = zeroPosition + font.lineHeight; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.font = font.string; ctx.textAlign = textAlign; ctx.textBaseline = textBaseline; ctx.lineWidth = strokeWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor; ctx.fillText(label, x, y); ctx.fill(); } ctx.restore(); } }; const myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', plugins: [plugin], data: { labels, datasets: [{ label: 'ds1', data: [1, -2, 3, -4, 5] }] }, options: { layout: { padding: { right: 20 } }, scales: { x: { display: true, grid: { drawTicks: false }, ticks: { display: false } } } } });
 .myChartDiv { max-width: 600px; max-height: 400px; }
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js@4.2.0/dist/chart.umd.min.js"></script> <html> <body> <div class="myChartDiv"> <canvas id="myChart" width="600" height="400"/> </div> </body> </html>

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