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Make Certain Points in Plotly Express Scatterplot different Colors

Currently, I have a scatterplot with each point representing a director, based on the production budget and profit they have. I want to highlight some of these points that standout with their own unique color, and create a legend saying who each one of those points are. For example, I want to highlight Joe Russo by making his dot on the graph Green, and then add him to a legend.

Right now, I have the scatterplot that is good. This is my current code:

BudProfDirector = px.scatter(BudProfDirectorDF, x = 'production_budget', y = 'Worldwide_Profit', hover_name='primary_name')

That gives this graph: Plotly Scatterplot

I also have a list of directors I want to highlight:

DirectorsToHighlight = ['Pierre Coffin', 'Chris Renaud', 'Kyle Balda','Zack Snyder', 'Christopher Nolan', 'Joe Russo']

But have no clue where to go from here

To color a specific point and reflect it in the legend, in this case it is easiest to add a graph by creating a new data frame of the same point size at the specific point. The graph is created based on the added data.

import plotly.express as px

DirectorsToHighlight = ['Pierre Coffin', 'Chris Renaud', 'Kyle Balda', 'Christopher Nolan', 'Joe Russo']

BudProfDirector = px.scatter(BudProfDirectorDF,
df = BudProfDirectorDF[BudProfDirectorDF['primary_name'].isin(DirectorsToHighlight)]

for row in df.itertuples():



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