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In Angular, why is my PrimeNG table re-rendering after updating a row's values in indexedDB?

I have a PrimeNG table that takes an array of objects fetched from Dexie as data source. In my component's ngOnInit , I fetch the data from Dexie this way:

    db.myTable.toArray().then( items => {
      this.items = items;

I then bind the returned data to my PrimeNG table:

                [rowsPerPageOptions]="[5, 10, 50, 100, 200]"

Whenever a user updates a row on this table, I update the component's array as well as the table in Dexie:

    item.propertyToUpdate = newValue;
    let idxToUpdate = this.items.findIndex( x => x.id === item.id );
    this.items[idxToUpdate] = item;
    db.myTable.where({id: item.id}).modify({key: newValue})

This update however causes my table to re-render and clear all filters, sorting, and pagination even though only a single item was updated.

I have tried the following:

  • using the table's rowTrackBy property and passing a function that returns each item's unique ID, so that only the changes to the specific row would be detected
  • binding the table values to an Observable (using Dexie's liveQuery function)
  • binding the table values to a copy of the original array fetched from Dexie, and also updating the copy (in case the re-rendering was triggered by Dexie changing the original array)

I'm still fairly new to indexedDB so I'm not sure what I'm missing, but why is the table re-rendering if I'm only updating a single item? Are there other ways for me to prevent this re-rendering from being triggered?

Pagination, sorting, and filtering be controlled with models using a binding to the specific properties where changes trigger a pagination.

Take a look at properties in the documentation:


Finally solved the issue by using ChangeDetectorRef . Just had to call detach() after updating in indexedDB to prevent the view from changing, then I re-attached the detector after the update. I then updated the filters and pagination with their respective values before the update.

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