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I want access tokens with multiple scopes including http

I want to include multiple scopes and allow access for those scopes with the same access token. I have configured Azure Active Directory as per the attached image. This condition was specified as follows, and an access token was issued with multiple scopes included.

 curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" --data-urlencode "client_id=<client_id>" --data-urlencode "client_secret=<client_secret>" --data-urlencode "username=testuser@thoughtspot.com" --data-urlencode "password=*****" --data-urlencode "grant_type=password" --data-urlencode "scope=https://<application_id>/session:role-any email openid profile" https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant_id>/oauth2/v2.0/token
When I visualized the issued access token on the following site, only session:role-any was included in the access token.
By the way, when I included only the email openid profile in the scope, the email openid profile was included in the access token.

How can I include multiple (session:role-any email openid profile) tokens above in the access token? Also, is this even possible?

·Reference site
I may be wrong. If so, please let me know the correct way of thinking. 在此处输入图像描述

I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:

I agree with junnas , access token does not work with multiple scopes. So, you need to generate two access token one for API and one for Graph.

I generated the access token for two scopes like below:


scope:api://*****/app.test email openid profile


Note that: If you are passing two scopes, then it will consider only the first scope while generating the access token.

The decoded access token shows only the API scope like below:


The aud doesn't include Microsoft Graph scope and hence doesn't authorize Graph calls.

So, make sure to generate two access tokens separately, one for API scope and another for Graph scope.

I tried to generate the access token for the Microsoft Graph scope like below:


The decoded token contains Microsoft Graph scope and audience like below:


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