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I need to understand below smart contract code

Can you help me explain below smart contract code I found on tomb finance, tomb.sol contract?

// Initial distribution for the first 24h genesis pools
uint256 public constant INITIAL_GENESIS_POOL_DISTRIBUTION = 11000 ether;

// Initial distribution for the day 2-5 TOMB-WFTM LP -> TOMB pool
uint256 public constant INITIAL_TOMB_POOL_DISTRIBUTION = 140000 ether;

// Distribution for airdrops wallet
uint256 public constant INITIAL_AIRDROP_WALLET_DISTRIBUTION = 9000 ether;
  • Why do they distribute ether for the pools?
  • Why ether?
  • Can they do that?
  • What exactly is the value of 1 ether?
  • If they had deployed this on BNB Chain, will this code will change?

This snippet alone doesn't distribute any ether, it only declares 3 constants. It's likely that there's some other functions in the code, that wasn't shared, that make use of these constants.

ether in this case is a Solidity global unit . No matter on which.network you deploy the contract, it multiplies the specified number by 10^18 (or 1000000000000000000). Current version of Solidity (0.8) is not able to store decimal numbers, so all native and ERC-20 balances are stored in the smallest units of the token. In case of native tokens (ETH on Ethereum, MATIC on Polygon, ...), that's wei. And 10^18 wei == 1 ETH (or 1 MATIC, etc - depending on the.network).

If this code was deployed on other EVM.network (such as Binance Smart Chain), the ether unit is the same. It doesn't work with ETH tokens, it "just" multiplies the number.

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