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Windbg shows info dialog that it cannot open MFC source file from devdiv.visualstudio.com

Windbg 10.0.20348.1 shows this info dialog with below message when single stepping through MFC code:

The file 'https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_apis/git/repositories/msvc/items?path=src/vctools/VC7libs/Ship/ATLMFC/Src/MFC/wincore.cpp&versionDescriptor[versionOptions]=0&versionDescriptor[versionType]=2&versionDescriptor[version]=0a7a0c7ef973187f59b10575b76ab07d8e7b3bbe&resolveLfs=true&$format=octetStream&api-version=5.0&download=false' cannot be opened

Screenshot: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1165676/windbg-shows-info-dialog-that-it-cannot-open-mfc-c

Im seeing this since a few months and looks like windbg is trying to load MFC source files from MS git repos. Has it worked for anyone? Has MFC source loaded directly from MS git repo?

The link you see points to the devdiv subdomain. DevDiv is short for Developer Division, the Microsoft development department. While you can try to sign in under that URL with a Microsoft account, you will probably not be granted access.

Download Search Everything and search for the file wincore.cpp on your hard disk. If you installed Visual Studio with MFC sources, you should find it somewhere, likely in a mfc/src folder.

You should then be able to use .srcpath to point WinDbg to those files.

Other than that, there's rarely a need for stepping through Microsoft code, except if you want to prove that there's a bug. It might be easier to write a MRE to reprodice the bug and file an issue at Microsoft instead.

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