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Docker - Jenkins - Local System Files/Folders Access and Execution in Jenkins

How to access and execute local system folders/files in jenkins when jenkins image is installed in docker desktop container?

Please help me to find a way by which we can access and execute local files/folders, inside jenkins image available in docker desktop container?

For example: How to access and run cypress project with jenkins, when the cypress project is available in our local system: For this I've tried by providing custom workspace directory path but also I am getting below errors and not able to run it via jenkins.

  • I've also observed that while providing path to custom workspace directory If I use 'Users/...' (ie not used forward slash at starting) then I am getting below error:

SC Ref. 1: Custom Workspace path without forward slash at starting

Console output error for Custom Workspace path without forward slash at starting )

  • But while providing path to custom workspace directory If I use '/Users/...' (ie used forward slash at starting) then I am getting below error:

SC Ref. 2: Custom Workspace path with forward slash at starting

Console output error for Custom Workspace path with forward slash at starting

For ref.: Installed jenkins image container details: Installed jenkins image container details

Thanks for your help in advance!

You can use volumes to share files between the image and your host SO, even in windows . You can do it using command line ( -v or --mount command line argument) or using the docker UI.

docker run -v /local/path/:/container/path...

But i'm not really sure that you can run commands inside the volume, i guess that if binaries are compatible, it should work

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