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Using multiple mongodb databases and having dynamic calls based on url

I am not sure if should i create multiple databases or not. But I think multiple db would create better data. So I want to create a app, where users can post the link for a particular concept and other users can upvote/downvote it. like /react/useState /javascript/optionalChaning

so here users can post a link(blog, article) for useState concept. I want, if I hit /react/useState then it should go in react database and go in useState collection and show me all the documents available. It can be /react/useRef meaning → react database and useRef collection.

same for /javascript/optionalChaning → javascript database and optionalChaining collection and return all documents inside it.

How can I achieve this using multiple databases


go to that particular db then go into that particular collection?

mongodb forum url - https://www.mongodb.com/community/forums/t/using-multiple-db-in-one-project/211383?u=akshay_shinde

I am totally clueless, going with only one database will solve it, but i want to scale it for all the topics/languages/frameworks. So having seperate db will might solve it.

I don't see any reason to use multiples databases. I suggest you, for your usecase, to review your projects and maybe have a look to neo4j which can be a good friend for what you want to achieve:-)


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