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SOLR why does its state this 'leaderUrl' must be specified without the /replication suffix

Why when I setup a Solr follower/slave do I get this message in the Solr logs

'leaderUrl' must be specified without the /replication suffix

This used to work fine in ersion 7.6 but now in version 8.11.1 it complains. What should the value be if not /replication?

This is the XML snippet in the solrconfig.xml that does the replications

<requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler">
      <lst name="slave">
        <str name="leaderUrl">http://solr1:8983/solr/bookings/replication</str>
        <str name="pollInterval">00:00:20</str>


It seems to mean the leadUrl, I seemed to be transfixed on the name of the request handler!

So going from this which worked in 7.6

<str name="masterUrl">http://solr1:8983/solr/bookings/replication</str>

to this which works in 8.11.1

<str name="leaderUrl">http://solr1:8983/solr/bookings</str>

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