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How to handle Google Cloud deployment manger Asynchronously

Just like in AWS where you can have a SNS topic attached to trigger Cloud Formation and trigger a notification upon completion/failure.

Is there any way we can so something similar in Google Cloud Deployment Manager.

I researched for SNS feature to GCP public documentation, so far this feature is not available from GCP. however the documentation at https://cloud.google.com/deployment-manager/docs/configuration/supported-gcp-types is not updated yet.

Here's the snippet from https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/123013878 :

- type: gcp-types/cloudscheduler-v1:projects.locations.jobs
    name: <YOUR_JOB_NAME_HERE>
      parent: projects/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID_HERE>/locations/<YOUR_REGION_HERE>
      name: <YOUR_JOB_NAME_HERE>
      description: <YOUR_JOB_DESCRIPTION_HERE>
      schedule: "0 2 * * *" # daily at 2 am
      timeZone: "Europe/Amsterdam"
        topicName: projects/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID_HERE>/topics/<YOUR_EXPECTED_TOPIC_HERE>
        data: aGVsbG8hCg== # base64 encoded "hello!"

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