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Distinct values from cell as filter - Power Bi

I have country column, where multiple values can appear in a cell.

Example, for row of column "Approved By", data appears in following way (data in a cell):


Is there a way in which I can take distinct values from this column and show it as a list using slicer, 参考是需要输出的图像

in this case if I select "India" as a the value in the slicer all rows where India appears as a country should come up in the grid.

Assuming you have a separate table (named Countries ) which comprises a single-column (named Country ) of unique country names, create the following measure :

MyFilter =
VAR SelectedCountry =
    MIN( Countries[Country] )
VAR ApprovedBy =
    MIN( 'Table'[Approved By] )
    IF( SEARCH( SelectedCountry, ApprovedBy,, 0 ), 1 )

You can now add MyFilter to the Filters Pane and set it equal to 1.

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