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Vue add content inside #document-fragment

I'm using vue3 with nuxt3 and want to add a template tag with content inside the generated #document-fragment . The resulting HTML should look like this:

  <template id="some-id">

when I use plain html, that works great. With vue3 the elements are not inside the #document-fragment but below it like this:

  <template id="some-id">

My vue3 code looks like this (similar to the html code):

    <template id="some-id">

is there any way to put the content inside the #document-fragment element?

I solved it by using a ref on the template tag and then the render -function.

<template id="some-id" ref="someRef">
const someRef: Ref<HTMLTemplateElement | undefined> = ref()
onMounted(() => {
  if (someRef.value?.content) {
    // @ts-ignore
    render('div', someRef.value.content)

if you want to insert a component you can use the it like this:

const someRef: Ref<HTMLTemplateElement | undefined> = ref()
onMounted(() => {
  if (someRef.value?.content) {
    // @ts-ignore
    render(h(SomeComponent, { someProp: someValue }), someRef.value.content)

Maybe there is a better, but for now that works.

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