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When calling a smart contract function, do the params record on blockchain?

I want to build a smart contract function, which use caller's password as params. I have no knowledge about blockchain security, so I ask the following question:

When calling a smart contract function, do the params record on blockchain?

Further more, what information will record in blockchain if an address calls a function of a smart contract? I think the logs emit by the events must record on blockchain, besides these, anything more? I've learned before that a contract address calling leaves logs on blockchain, but an account address(EOA) calling doesn't. Is it true?

Function parameters are part of the transaction, which is part of the calldata . So calldata is also persisted. Eventhough it is persisted, that doesn't mean it is easily available. Calldata is not indexed , and is not available at runtime . But the data is available to the nodes (for sure to those who runs full node, not sure about the light nodes).

Calldata can be accessed by running a localnode, which means it is not available for any functions at runtime, the only calldata that is available at runtime is the parameters for that particular transaction.

So, if you call a function with a password parameter, someone somewhere can see it for sure.

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