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Address on the Pin instead number in Google map in iphone

alt text http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/a96118564f.png

In above image, You can see the numbers on the pin.

I don't want that numbers, Instead, when user clicks on that pin, Address of that location should be displayed?

I don't know how? I have heard about customizing the pin. I am trying. But if you know, would you help me plz.

Thanks in advance.

You've got two options here:

  1. If all you want to do is take a latitude/longitude and present it as an address on the map, you'll need to use the MKReverseGeocoder class which will spit out a MKPlacemark that can then be added to your MKMapView using addAnnotation: .

  2. If you've got some class of "thing" you'd like added to the map such as a "Person", you should make the class conform to the MKAnnotation protocol (ie it needs a coordinate, title and subtitle property). You can then implement the mapView:viewForAnnotation: method on your MKMapView delegate and return a custom subclass of MKAnnotationView . This will get added to the map when your "Person" becomes visible in the map view.

If you are using MKMapView , then you need to create your own MKAnnotation to add to the map. The annotation class implement the following instance methods:

- (NSString *)title - to return the title of the pin, which is usually the first line

- (NSString *)subtitle - to return the subtitle of the pin, which is usually the second line.

Thanks a lot, you made my day, i was very surprised what it is happening when i found that my subtitle is not taking nsstring stringwithformat, it was crashing and it was taking it when i assigned direct same hardcoded value in string format. very strange , now atleast it is not crashing thanks a lot for the solution

Yep, I got Something Different Solution. As per the instructions of @msaeed, I have changed the constructor of my class. i have implemented following code & it works as what i required

-(NSString *)subtitle {
return [NSString  stringWithFormat:@"%f",coordinate.latitude];
-(NSString *)title {
return Title;
//  return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f",coordinate.longitude]; 

-(id)initWithCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) c  
return self;


-(id)initWithCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) c Title:(NSString*)xz

if(self=[super init])
        [Title release];
    Title=[[NSString alloc]initWithString:xz];
return self;


watch out the following image, that i have solved. image solved. http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/fae045c2bf.png

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