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Imagemagick not installing with MAMP

So I read this article on how to install Imagemagick with MAMP, and did exactly how it said, ( sudo port install Imagemagick , everything installed okay, then change the envvars file), yet I still get this error when trying to run a script that uses it:

Fatal error: Class 'Imagick' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htroots/active/includes/images.php on line 19

Does anyone have any idea why this is working for seemingly everyone except me?


This looks like the Imagick extension is not loaded by PHP.

If you create a php script that only contains this :


Do you get anything (like an "imagick" section) mentionning Image magick in the output ?

If not (that's probably the case, considering the error you're gettin) , Image Magick extension probably isn't loaded.

Two ideas, now

  • Check you php.ini file : it should contain a line like "extension=imagick.ext" (don't know what "ext" is on a mac, sorry)
  • did you restart apache to have te new extension take into account ?
  • do you have any error in the PHP/Apache error log ? Like something that said imagick has not been loaded and/or why ?

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