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Versioning for Dummies

I'm looking for a subversion tool, and i have the following requirements:

  • Must integrate into VS 2008
  • Automatically submits new versions
  • Does not use the command line as primary interface
  • Doesn't clutter up explorer with bright icon overlays or context menus
  • is only going to be used by one user mostly if not completely, so doesn't need to have advanced diff tools or anything like that

Basically, i want a subversioning tool that will only bother me when creating a project or actually needing to get something from a previous version.

Does something like that exist, and if so, what is it?

Yes. VisualSVN (commercial)

Except for "automatically submits new versions" - that makes no sense. The day computers know when your code is ready to be committed and free of bugs is the day the world needs a lot less programmers

You commit when you're done a task, which effectively gives you a rollback point. It's also important to add a meaningful commit message ("Fixed crash when clicking on Save button") - this way you can find things easily later. A lot of new users to version control skip this part, and unfortunately only learn the hard way 3 months later when they need to go back and undo a fix/feature.

AnkhSvn is a free alternative, I've personally only used 1.x, which was really quite terrible. It definitely looks more usable in 2.x.

One upside to VisualSVN is that it uses TortoiseSVN for a lot of its dialogs. This means when you're working with subversion just from explorer, you have basically the same interface and same UI. Quite handy, as it lets you do things like edit images or text files without having to fire up VisualStudio, or edit scripts/installers, or other parts of a product that are not necessarily in VisualStudio.

Yes, they are available.

The two I know of are VisualSVN and AnkhSVN . There are a bunch of comparisons available on SO

I use AnkhSVN myself. It is free, integrates nicely with Visual Studio, and doesn't cause any performance issues.


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