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Correct implementation of an indexer on a derived class

I have a class, say DerivedBindingList<T> , which is derived from BindingList<T> .

I would like to use an indexer with the derived class, and have coded it as:

        public T this[int index]
                // Getter code
                // Setter code

However, the compiler complains with the following message: "...hides inherited member 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.this[int]'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended."

I can add the 'new' keyword and the compiler is happy, but should I be doing things differently in some way to avoid this warning?

Perhaps I have to use base.this[] somehow?


The indexer in BindingList isn't virtual, so you can't override it - you'll have to just hide it if you really want to do this.

I don't think I'd advise it though - member hiding is a recipe for confusing code. What are you trying to do? Do you definitely want to derive from BindingList<T> instead of composing it (ie having a member of your class of type BindingList<T> )? What is your new indexer going to do?


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