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How to Set mouse cursor position to a specified point on screen in C#?

How to Set mouse cursor position to a specified point on screen in C#?

am i must hacke the motherboard buffer that receive the mouse and keyboard coordinates and presses ???

is there another one to do clicks or i am imagine ???

The following will set the mouse position and perform a click:

public static void ClickSomePoint() {
    // Set the cursor position
    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new Point(20, 35);

    DoClickMouse(0x2); // Left mouse button down
    DoClickMouse(0x4); // Left mouse button up

static void DoClickMouse(int mouseButton) {
    var input = new INPUT() {
        dwType = 0, // Mouse input
        mi = new MOUSEINPUT() { dwFlags = mouseButton }

    if (SendInput(1, input, Marshal.SizeOf(input)) == 0) { 
        throw new Exception();
    int dx;
    int dy;
    int mouseData;
    public int dwFlags;
    int time;
    IntPtr dwExtraInfo;
struct INPUT {
    public uint dwType;
    public MOUSEINPUT mi;
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
static extern uint SendInput(uint cInputs, INPUT input, int size);

Just keep in mind that this could be extremely annoying for a user.


If you want to click a button on your form you can use the 'PerformClick()' method.

Get and set mouse position in Windows 10:

Much simpler in c# .NET Framework 4.0 using Cursor.Position Property


    public static void ClickSomePoint()

        // get mouse position
        System.Drawing.Point screenPos = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position;

        // create X,Y point (0,0) explicitly with System.Drawing 
        System.Drawing.Point leftTop = new System.Drawing.Point(0,0);

        // set mouse position
        Cursor.Position = leftTop; 

The easiest way to position the mouse:

Left zero for left position and zero right for top position (you can change it to any number you want)(to use this code you need to use using System.Drawing and using System.Windows.Forms namespace)

Cursor.Position = new Point(0,0);

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