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Powershell: Is it possible to set-alias on a piped command?

I would like to set the following alias up in my powershell profile:

set-alias mem-users get-process | ? {($_.PM -gt 10000000) -or ($_.VM -gt 10000000)} | sort -property PM

But when I try this out and call mem-users I just get the results of get-process. How would I set this up? Do I have to write a custom function? The examples for set-alias show a piped command working with the -passThru parameter but I can't get it to work.

Aliases are just that - a name substitute and nothing more. What you want is a function:

function mem-hogs
    get-process | ? {($_.PM -gt 10000000) -or ($_.VM -gt 10000000)}

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