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How to style form elements unobtrusively with JavaScript and CSS?


There are a few plugins that do what you want. Basically, you want to add special styling to forms via javascript + css, but want the form to function normally if javascript is disabled

Here are two such plugins, but I am sure there are more out there:

  1. Uniform for jQuery on Github and The Overview
  2. FancyForm for MooTools

This new plugin works pretty well and is more robust than uniforms. http://customformsjs.com/

为您的元素使用类名称 ,这些元素通常无法在CSS中应用样式。

So far i found this is best and works in IE 6+, safari 2+, firefox 2+

http://www.dfc-e.com/metiers/multimedia/opensource/jqtransform/ 替代文字
(source: blogfreakz.com )

Use jQuery . Specifically the toggleClass function and then use CSS classes to style your forms. No plugin required. See jQuery Attributes Documentation .

If you want more styles, check out jQuery UI .

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