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How to check what styles are applied to an element?

I have a HTML object element which is retrieved by


Is there any way to find out what styles are applied to this element? Not just class name set in CSS attribute. What I need is similar to the style inspect feature of FireBug (FF Addons). Is this possibly done with JavaScript?

You should be able to do this via getComputedStyle() . You can then use getPropertyValue() to extract whatever CSS rule you are looking for, or you just iterate over all values:

 let element = document.getElementById("test"); let styles = window.getComputedStyle(element); let bg = styles.getPropertyValue("background-color"); let fg = styles.getPropertyValue("color"); console.log(bg); console.log(fg);
 div { color: #333; border-radius: 0.25rem; }
 <div id="test" style="background: #ccc">Hello World</div>

Note, however, these two important quotes from the MDN:

The returned style is a live CSSStyleDeclaration object, which updates automatically when the element's styles are changed.


The returned CSSStyleDeclaration object contains active values for CSS property longhand names. For example, border-bottom-width instead of the border-width and border shorthand property names.

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