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Building an iPhone application from the command line, without xcodebuild

It is possible to build an iPhone application manually, without using xcodebuild nor an Xcode project?

The idea is to build the application using SCons without creating an Xcode project. I know there is the codesign command line tool, that I could use, but before I start reverse engineering the Xcode build process, I was wondering if anybody has experience with this or has done it before.

Yes, It's possible to write a makefile using gcc. You're going to want to set your GCC to use frameworks from /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.1.2.sdk/ (frameworks being in system/library/frameworks, and usr/lib).

As far as specifics, I think you're going to have to work that out yourself - but pay careful consideration to the architecture options in GCC and you should have something working quickly.

Xcode just wraps gcc/g++ and ld (and yes, codesign). Take a look at any Xcode project build output and you'll see what commands it uses. I believe the key to building an iphone app is the -arch parameter.

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