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android: how to resize dialog

I would like to create a dialog-style form which would fill the bigger screen area (left, right, top, bottom padding 10px).

I defined the style "CupCakeDialog" the following way:

<style name="CupcakeDialog" parent="android:Theme.Dialog">
    <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@null</item>

and by running the activity:



The dialog is displayed the following way:

alt text http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/1299/popupstackoverflow.png

Does anyone know how to make the dialog bigger (extend height)?

Thank you!

Yes, I am late, but the answer is here.


Display display =((WindowManager)getSystemService(context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
    int width = display.getWidth();
    int height=display.getHeight();

    Log.v("width", width+"");

Change height or width, whatever is needed...


For Dialogs/AlertDialogs inside a DialogFragment, you should resize the window in DialogFragment.onStart() ; especially if using AppCompat support library 23.2.1 or 24 or above.

See here for example: How to resize an AlertDialog.Builder?

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