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Cross-platform mobile framework that can access call logs

I've come across a few suggestions of "develop-once, deploy anywhere" mobile frameworks from other SO questions:


I was wondering if there are other alternatives to these mobile frameworks. None of them have the ability to access call logs or hook into a phone's call events (I realize those aren't possible on iPhone).

The problem is that the ability you want is pretty specific to the device, so it is unlikely anyone will come up with a framework in the near future that supports it.

That said, PhoneGap supports adding any native code you desire, so you could do the bulk of the app in it and then add native code for the bits that are not supported. It's a lot easier than creating apps from scratch for each platform.

有适用于Android / iPhone的Appcelerator Titanium Mobile ,但我不知道它是否可以满足您的需求。

The Qt Mobility project is the only one with such functionality i think but i am not sure, more info at http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/QtMobility

more info: http://qt.nokia.com/developer/new-qt-apis

platforms supported: http://qt.nokia.com/doc/qtmobility-1.0-tp/index.html#platform-compatability

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