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use POST data in jquery callback

the code below is a jquery POST request javascript. i want to use the data I am posting in the callback function. if u take a look,

$('#fb_user_msg').innerHTML = data.comment;

the above line is trying to include the comment in the html (unsuccessfully). i am sure this is easy but I dont know why I am not getting it right.

$("#submit_js").click(function() {
        {comment: $("#comment").val(), aid: imgnum}, 
             //$('#greetings').html('Your choice was submitted successfully. Thank You for voting.');
             $('#fb_user_msg').innerHTML = data.comment;

please help??

You would want to make a global variable before you POST your data in order to use in your callback function:

$("#submit_js").click(function() {
    var comment = $('#comment').val();
    $.post("user_submit.php", {comment: comment, aid: imgnum}, 
        $('#fb_user_msg').innerHTML = comment;

Does the service you are calling ( user_submit.php ) return the comment data in its response?

Even so, if you already have the data in another area ( #comment ), why not just take it straight from there?

$('#fb_user_msg').innerHTML = $("#comment").val();

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