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JQUERY, When an LI is clicked and the click was not on an <A href> Toggle

I'm interested in having my LIs toggle when a user clicks in the blank area of the LI. The LI does contain links that redirect, but in the case when the user clicks on a blank area of the LI I would like the LI to toggle

<li id="58" class="records">
<a href="adadad">Title</a>
<div class="expanded" style="display:none;" id="expanded_58"> STUFF </DIV>

Example, with the code above, if the user clicks on the LI, and that click isn't on the HREF, I would like the expanded_58 to Toggle.


Use this:

       if(e.target == this) $('div.expanded', this).toggle();
  if (e.target.nodeName == "LI")
    $(".expanded", this).toggle();

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