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Between a range of values in excel 2007

I have a column of numbers in Excel 2007, for example:


What i want to do is: If the value is between 0-20 replace the value with 0.1
If the value is between 20-25 replace it with 0.2

The bin sizes are not going to be the same (0-20, 20-25, 30-50, 50-60, 65+) etc, and the values to replace the numbers with are not necessarily going to be sequential.

Is there a formula for this? Could a macro work? It would take forever with a find and replace.


Simplest: a table on a sheet, two columns, one for lower bounds of bands and one for respective values:

 0  0.1
20  0.2
25  0.3
30  0.4
50  0.5
60  0.6

Then the formula: =VLOOKUP(value_to_replace,table_address,2,TRUE)

Make sure bounds are sorted or the trick will not work. Replacement values do not have to be sorted.

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