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Best approach to relating databases or tables?

What I have:

  • A MySQL database running on Ubuntu that maintains a large table of articles (similar to wordpress).
  • Need to relate a given article to another set of data. This set of data will be fairly large.
  • There maybe various sets of data that will be related.

The query:

  • Is it better to contain these various large sets of data within the same database of articles, which will have a large set of traffic on it?


  • Is it better to create different databases (on the same server) that relate by a primary key to the main database with the articles?

Put them all in the same DB initially, until you find that there is a performance issue. Much easier than prematurely optimising.

Modern RDBMS are very good at optimising data access.

If you need to connect frequently and read both of the records, you should put in a the same database. The server then won't have to run permission checks twice for each of your databases.

If you have serious traffic, you should consider using persistent connection for that query.

If you don't need to read them together frequently, consider to put on different machine. As the high traffic for the bigger database won't cause slow downs on the other.

Different databases on the same server gives you all the problems of a distributed architecture without any of the benefits of scaling out. One database per server is the way to go.

When you say 'same database' and 'different databases related' don't you mean 'same table' vs 'different tables'?

if that's the question, i'd say:

  • one table for articles
  • if these 'other sets of data' are all of the same structure, put them all in the same table. if not, one table per kind of data.
  • everything on the same database

if you grow big enough to make database size a performance issue (after many million records and lots of queries a second), consider table partitioning or maybe replacing the biggest table with a key/value store ( couchDB , mongoDB , redis , tokyo cabinet , [etc][6]), which can be a little faster than MySQL but a lot easier to distribute for performance.

[6]:key-value store

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