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Navigating iPhone Views/ViewControllers

In my iPhone application, I use a Tab Bar Controller with five items for the main navigation. However, I also need additional ways to change the current view. For example, if the user is on the Calendar tab and clicks on a date, they need to be shown a different view.

In order to implement this (and other) types of custom navigation, what do I do? I thought what I needed was to add the Navigation Controller to my Main Window nib, but this looks like it adds a navigation bar to the UI, so I don't think that's it. Basically, what is the best way to change the view when a user clicks on something like a button or item on a grid? I know how to hook these interface items to events, but don't quite get how the logic to change views goes in the Main Window nib.


EDIT: To clarify, I believe what I'm trying to do is navigate to a child view for that tab (not change the active tab). As Griffo commented, yes, I am trying to assemble most of the workings in IB and then tweak the code as necessary. I will be trying the approach from his attached link and reporting back.


How about showing modal dialog? For instance if you have UIButton in your tab controller:

  1. associate it with method:

    [myButton addTarget:self action:@selector(onDoSomething:) forControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

  2. in method -(void)onDoSomething:(id)_sender open your modal dialog:

    [self presentModalViewController:mDoingsomethingController animated:YES];

  3. implement "doing something" controller class and supply it with 'done' button and method 'onDone' containing

    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

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