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how to get li width + margin using jquery

my code is something like this


//html #li margin and width are dynamic
<li style='margin:30px;width:100px;'>Pic</li>
<li style='margin:40px;width:200px;'>Pic</li>
<li style='margin:10px;width:500px;'>Pic</li>
<li style='margin:50px;width:300px;'>Pic</li>

how to make a jquery function that will take an li index as an input and it will return the width of all li from the beginning to that index + margins ' left + right '

Examples // something like this   
myFunction(1); //output 440 (( 30 margin-left [0] + 30 margin-right [0] + 40 margin-left [1] + 40 margin-right [1] + 100 width [0] + 200 width [1] )) 

myFunction(2); //output 960 (( 30 margin-left [0] + 30 margin-right [0] + 40 margin-left [1] + 40 margin-right [1] + 10 margin-left [2] + 10 margin-right [2] + 100 width [0] + 200 width [1] + 500 width [2] )) 

You're looking for outerWidth(true)

for example


if you dont want the margin, but only want the padding and border, just do outerWidth()

So you can just add up the li's outerWidth's normally to get the sum of them all.

$.fn.sumOuterWidth = function(useMargins) {
  var sum = 0;
  this.each(function() { 
    sum += $(this).outerWidth(useMargins);
  return sum;

// example sum the width of the first 2 li's:
$('ul li').slice(0,2).sumOuterWidth(true) 

// Also gets the sum of the width of the first 2 li's:
$('ul li:eq(1)').prevAll().andSelf().sumOuterWidth(true);
//adapt selectors to get only the ul you want
function calculate(i)  {
  if(i >= $("ul").size()) {
    alert("This index doesn't exist");
  var sum = 0;
  for(var j=0; j<=i; j++) {
    sum = sum + $("ul li:eq("+j+")").outerWidth(true);
  alert("li's width for index "+i+" is "+sum)

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