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What to use instead of if(isset($_POST['submit'])) for this.form.submit()?

I want to run a particular block of PHP if the user submits a form. It works if I use a submit button with name="submit" and:

if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
code to run

I don't know anything about javascript, and I want the code to run if the user changes a dropdown menu. If I make the first line of the dropdown

<select name="dropdownname" onchange="this.form.submit()">

the form appears (I haven't tested it) to submit if the user changes the dropdown choice. However, if I do this, the if(isset($_POST['submit'])) PHP code doesn't run. Is there a PHP if statement I can write that will respond to the form being submitted even though it's being submitted by a change in the dropdown and not a submit button?



Even you can use something like:

 // form validation
 } else {

你应该总是检查$ _SERVER ['REQUEST_METHOD']而不是特定的字段名称



    code to run


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