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How can I get Aptana's code assist to work with Google Maps API v3?

There's a Google Maps API v3 Visual Studio Intellisense Helper , which presumably works great for Visual Studio, but Aptana (based on Eclipse) uses a different JavaScript documentation format - ScriptDoc (.sdoc files). ScriptDoc is also the name of a VS utility to convert JS files with Intellisense comments into XML, just to confuse things.

I've tried adding the Intellisense files as file / global references in Aptana, but all this gives is completion for the word google and no completion or documentation in the google namespace.

Possible solutions:

  • Find someone who's already done this for Aptana. I've Google'd quite a bit already but couldn't find anything.
  • Convert the Visual Studio Intellisense Helper into a format Aptana can understand.
  • Scrape the API page and convert it into a format Aptana can understand.


I'm using Aptana and ScriptDoc is the worst decision they made and they seem to be attached to it, it's the main reason I have considered switching to Eclipse. I've been thinking in using jsdoc-toolkit to generate .sdoc files from jsdoc notations (using some type of templates), but to use .sdoc files you must insert @id tags all over your code, and that discouraged me.

This helper is for Visual Studio. I don't think Aptana can work with vsdoc.js files

Aptana Plugin for Eclipse and jQuery code assist

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