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The best way to convert web-page to pdf image


If you are trying to do this from a desktop user standpoint
Windows: http://www.go2pdf.com/product.html
Linux: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/35022

If you mean form code then:
PHP: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/formats.php

But more information would definitely be useful :D

PDFMyURLcom , hands down.

Perfect rendering, except for some custom fonts. Here's an example:

http://pdfmyurl.com?url=github.com/portfolio&-B=0mm&-T=0mm&-L=0mm&--margin-right=0mm&--page-size=A3&-O=Portrait .

Creating a PDF from HTML instead of letting the user just see the HTML should not be done without consideration. If you already have a usable HTML page you can display, ask yourself: what would the user benefit from having this in a PDF ? If the issue still stands, here are a few options:

  • Use the well known but buggy DOMPDF . All you need is PHP, and it renders somewhat decent. They had some security problems but those went relatively unnoticed because no big fish is using it. No CSS support.
  • Use wkhtmltopdf which is absolutely great, supports CSS etc. Thing is, it requires access to the box. Oh, and another pesky little issue, X client libraries must be installed. Aside from that, it renders great and the PDF you are producing ends up looking a lot like the original page.
  • If the HTML is dynamic (outputted by some script), have it outputted directly as a PDF, using PDFLIB or it's poor cousin FPDF .

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