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Node.js and wss://

I'm looking to start using javascript on the server, most likely with node.js, as well as use websockets to communicate with clients. However, there doesn't seem to be a lot of information about encrypted websocket communication using TLS and the wss:// handler. In fact the only server that I've seen explicitly support wss:// is Kaazing.

This TODO is the only reference I've been able to find in the various node implementations. Am I missing something or are the websocket js servers not ready for encrypted communication yet?

Another option could be using something like lighttpd or apache to proxy to a node listener, has anyone had success there?

TLS / SSL支持适用于Node.js中的这个websocket实现,我刚测试它: https//github.com/Worlize/WebSocket-Node/issues/29

Well you have stream.setSecure() and server.setSecure() .

I'm guessing you should be able to use one of those (specially the last one) to use TLS in websockets since in the end a websocket is just a normal http connection "upgraded" to websocket.

Using TLS in the normal http server object should theorically also secure the websocket, only by testing this can be confirmed.

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