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Get CCK values, without the html in Drupal templates

I'm storing a string in a CCK field. The problem is getting it back out. I have a node-node_type.tpl.php and ask it


That returns html, three nested div's and uses HTML entities, I want the pure text, as entered.

What is the Drupal 5 way to fix this?

I found offline help. Drupal can't do it, but I can just use the php functions html_entity_decode to get rid of entities and strip_tags for tags. Thanks anyway!

I'm only really familiar with Drupal 6 but have you tried dumping the contents of $node->content['field_custom_map_data'] ? If I recall correctly there should be a key called #raw , so you could use $node->content['field_custom_map_data']['#raw'] to get the value.

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