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MS Chart control with WPF

Ive got a MS Chart control and it works just fine except that I can't figure out how to "format" the Y-Axis. I am adding a lot of double numbers into a Serie but when the double numb are actually whole numbers (20.000000.....) the Y-Axis on my chart shows 20.

example: this serie :
would actually show up like this:

I have tried formatting the data as I insert it into the serie like this:


but that doesn't seem to work.

I've tried to search for a place to format it in Chart.Series[0].* and Chart.ChartAreas[0].* but I didn't find it there.

使用“ 0.00”作为格式字符串,“ ##。##”将在末尾去除零


I know this might come too late, but here's my advice.

You can find out more about numeric format for strings, here and here .

I think you need fixed point ("F") format specifier used like this:

chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "F2";

Also you should add numbers to your data points' Y values, not strings. Hope that helps.

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